Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good People and Politicians

Good people don't make good politicians is a common comment made by many in some manner or other. I don't care to dispute the statement, but I would like to say that good people do make good mayors, governors, congressmen and presidents. Why? Because they consider the real issues, the right responses and the actual needs. In our time we have almost no, if any, true statesmen and orators that are truly public servants. The majority in government are politicians; they vote the party line, they vote what will push their ratings up, they vote what will help them be re-elected.

I know there are good men and women in elected and appointed offices. Yet, it does seem as though the "politicians" get a lot more attention.

We need more Davids - men after God's own heart; Daniels - we will not lower our standard nor change our convictions; Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abednegos - we will not bow to other gods; Esters - if I die I die; and Mordecias - he sought the welfare of his people. We need public servants, commited to God, dedicated to serve the nation according to God's mandate, not man's. There are no perfect people, but they are people with clean hands (actions), pure hearts (attitudes) and renewed minds (thoughts and philosophies), men and women of God.

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