WAITING… in Nicaragua one must frequently WAIT. It's up to us if that is a loss. When we wait, are we doing nothing or do we go prepared to take advantage of the "waiting time". We could read a book, write in our journals, study for class, talk with a friend, rest, pray, etc.
Too often we have passed the concept of waiting – lost time doing nothing – to our understanding of "waiting on God." We say, "A day is a 1000 yrs. for God… God's time is different than ours… it mustn't be God's time." This makes God sound like a capricious doctor who attends his patients when he decides, according to his schedule; and we must WAIT in his office for "our turn." If we don't wait, we'll loose our chance. And, who knows when we'll get what we need, want or ask for. – "Gotta WAIT on God's time, brother." We get impatient because we must wait for God… and unused time is a loss!
Waiting on God is TOTALLY different. First of all, waiting on God is not being in a spot of limbo, "doubtfully" hoping it won't be long, until by some whim God moves. WAITING includes hope, trust and confidence in God. The positive spiritual attitudes of faith and patience are primary elements. Secondly, waiting includes the idea of "attending to". We serve HIM. Waiting is sitting close by so we can respond at the very moment he indicates desire and direction. Worship and intimacy are included here. It is kissing His feet. It is sitting there and listening, being there out of desire and joy, not obligation and necessity. Third, WAITING is filling ourselves with him. It is not passively doing nothing. Instead, it is actively receiving. It is WAITING until the Holy Spirit comes upon you, like a cell phone being connected to charge. It is resting in Him; it is filling our lives with His presence and power. Forth, WAITING is becoming one with Him. As John says abide in Him. It is being connected to the vine in the dry season and rainy season; the new bud season and the fruit bearing and harvest season. Abiding is always being connected to receive His life. Waiting is twisting our lives together with the life of God like a 3 strand rope so we will be strong as we "wait. It is dancing together and moving as one.
Waiting is a place of trust and confidence; it is serving and attending to our LORD; it is worship and intimacy; it is sitting at His feet; it is resting, filling and being empowered. Waiting is active; it is peace; it is patience; it is being, with HIM. Waiting is becoming one with Him. It is dancing with Him so the meaning of life can be clearly seen and beautifully understood. Waiting is living for Him, here on earth.
Just as we must wait for the doctor, sometimes we must wait for God. I don't know why, but we do. What will you do while you wait? Will it be a loss of time? Or will you charge you life with Him? Will you increase your faith? Will you allow hope to be that joyous expectation that something good is going to happen so faith can convert time and waiting into an intimate time of trust in our Lord?
Be still and know that I am God. KJV
Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently stay yourself upon Him… Psalm 37:7a Amplified