Friday, July 27, 2007

I Want More!

Since the beginning of the year and earlier we've been seeking for more of God. I'm not satisfied. I've not received what I'm looking for. I want more of God and His holy power. When Pastor Eddie from Nebraska shared at evening prayer in June he touched the area going to God's presence and staying there until you get a word and receive His power.

He shared that we must go to the high place, the place where God dwells and his presence is manifest. In Acts Jesus said go to Jerusalem and wait. Once in the presence of God we should wait there till he speaks and fills us with power. As we wait we must worship and serve the Lord with all our hearts. We must allow his holy presence to cleanse and purify our hearts. Who can believe that God will respond to an unrepentant heart? Who will go up the mountain of the Lord but those with clean hands (actions and lifestyle) and a pure heart (motives and attitudes)?

Once there don't move, until God says, "go." Saul got anxious and made sacrifice before Samuel arrived and began the process of doing things his way instead of God's way. If we wait until we have heard from God and then with quick and confident obedience we do what he said, His backing is certain and our success is sure. Too often, like Joshua, we are asking God to be on our side. When what he wants is for us to join his side and follow his leading.

Wait in Jerusalem until you have been filled with power, and you will be witnesses from you own neighborhood to the ends of the earth. Is that worth waiting for? Is that worth seeking God with all our hearts for?

Father, I want more. Help me be willing to pay the price and actively seek you face.

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