Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Jumble of Thoughts and Ideas

Our [mine and Bev's] call is to establish five self-sustaining, self-governing, Christ-centered, worshiping, transformational, discipling, reproducing churches; not to form a new denomination. Instead, we are to plant autonomous churches that work and fellowship together for a common cause: discipling of the nation through the renewing of minds and transformation of lifestyle lived Monday through Saturday and Sunday. The relationship should be more like a family than a business. As children grow there comes a time to cut the apron strings. That is not easy. Our children are to make their own decisions and establish their own lives. Parents must let go and let them walk alone.

It is time to take new risks.

All are ministers of reconciliation; there is no separation of sacred and secular in our lives. Living according to God's direction, all is sacred. The supernatural is natural and daily for all the children of God. We must develop a personal and intimate relationship with God. Our call is to go into all areas and influence all the world.

People are unique and special through their own personality, giftings, family influence, national and cultural background, and God-given destiny. That uniqueness must be valued and enjoyed: first, by the person himself; second, by those closest to him (family, friends and team); and finally, by those around him in his neighborhood, church and workplace.

I enjoy who I am and what I do. For me living life is a pleasure and all I do is sacred and holy, blessed and prospered, enjoyable and to be pleasurable. I believe God wants me to enjoy what I do in life as I live for Him.

Who are you?
What do you enjoy doing?
How are you preparing yourself to do what you do best and enjoy most?
How are you preparing to do what God has made you to do?
How are you preparing to be a city on a hill, a light to the world?
How are you preparing for the next step in your life to take the next risk God calls you to?

Whatever God calls us to is seldom easy and might not be exactly what we would like to do or are called to ultimately do, but it should always be done with pleasure, joy and excellence. It will prepare us and mature us to enter into the destiny and design God has for our lives: to live life at its fullest, being light, giving testimony, transforming lives through who we are and what we do as we feel God's pleasure being who we are and doing what we do.

These thoughts are a combination of my own with those of The Shaping of Things to Come, Frost and Hirsch; Discipling Nations , Darrow Miller; The Old Testament Template, Landa Cope; and Chariots of Fire ["When I run, I fell God's pleasure"].

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